Sell Other Peoples Products - Cashing In On Affiliate Programs

If you don't have any of your own products to sell, consider joining an Affiliate Program or two. Simply put - an affiliate program is a way for the publisher (you) to get rewarded by promoting a merchants products. You'll get a commission for every sale or lead. You can begin by starting your own website or blog where you will write about the product. Your affiliate program user account will have banners and links for you to place on your site. These banners and links contain your own unique affiliate ID that lets the merchant know if a potential buyer came from one of your links. So if a sale is made, you get the commission. Payments are usually made by check or PayPal. Here are some affiliate programs to get you started. - A variety of quality health and beauty products that you can promote. - Market Health is another great health product Affiliate Program. - This is an affiliate network with a a huge list of affiliate programs to join.