Facebook Didn't Make You Money, But This Social Network Will

The future competitor of Facebook is here... well almost - it's still in private beta, and it's by invite only (don't worry I have the invite link). This is your chance at owning, yes that's right, owning a piece of this future social network. For every person you refer to sign up, you get 1 credit, which can be used to claim your 1 vShare (Virtual Share). There are 2 ways to get VShares - earning them by referrals and purchasing them, which are currently at $1 USD per VShare. Buy now, before the price increases. You don't have to buy, you can just refer people... but, unless you know hundreds of people who you know will sign up, it's going to take a long time to get a significant amount of vShares that will result in lots of money later on. For specific details such as what 1 vShare could really be worth in the future and how exactly all this works, read their about page. Don't miss this opportunity or you will really really really hate yourself later. Join Zurker.com 

Sell Other Peoples Products - Cashing In On Affiliate Programs

If you don't have any of your own products to sell, consider joining an Affiliate Program or two. Simply put - an affiliate program is a way for the publisher (you) to get rewarded by promoting a merchants products. You'll get a commission for every sale or lead. You can begin by starting your own website or blog where you will write about the product. Your affiliate program user account will have banners and links for you to place on your site. These banners and links contain your own unique affiliate ID that lets the merchant know if a potential buyer came from one of your links. So if a sale is made, you get the commission. Payments are usually made by check or PayPal. Here are some affiliate programs to get you started.   

MoreNiche.com - A variety of quality health and beauty products that you can promote. 

MarketHealth.com - Market Health is another great health product Affiliate Program.

CommissionJunction.com - This is an affiliate network with a a huge list of affiliate programs to join.

Sell Your Broken iPhone - Sell Used Apple Products

Sell your used or broken iPhone, iPad, iPod, Macbook, Mac and other Apple products. Really simple to sell... click on your product, choose the model, select the carrier, click on "Get an Offer", and select the condition the product is in - either, 'Broken', 'Good' or 'Flawless'. Shipping and packaging is free. Get paid by check, PayPal or Amazon gift card. And the cool thing is, not only are you getting money for your used electronics, but at the same time, you're helping save our earth by keeping these electronics out of landfills. Check it out - Gazelle.com

How Can I Save Money For College? - Saving Money is Making Money

If you need to save money for college or need help paying off your college student debt, UPromise can help you do that. UPromise has teamed up with hundreds of Americas most popular companies to create a college rewards network for it's members. And if you're a parent reading this, It doesn't matter if you're child is still in the womb - you can start saving money for College right now. Just do the things you normally do, like, shopping online, purchasing gas, dining out, or if you sell or buy a home you can get money back. Make sure to register your grocery cards,credit cards debit cards to start saving. If you don't have a grocery card, get one, it's free. I don't see why you wouldn't take advantage of this service. Goodluck! Join Upromise and Save for College

Do Weird Things and Make Money - What Will You Do For 5 Bucks?

To a cute and sexy rambunctious blonde girl girl hula hooping in a bikini in the color of your choosing that will say anything you wish, to a dog owner making his small dog act like a human holding a sign promoting a business, to a custom 30 second rap song for a birthday, holiday or business. These are just a few of the things people are offering to do for $5 on 'Fiverr'. Creativity is your friend. What can you offer for 5 bucks? Besides offering your services on Fivvr, remember to promote your services on other places like Facebook, Twitter, create some flyers and post them around your neighborhood... whichever method you can think of to market your services. Check it out. Fiverr.com

Video Game Tester Jobs - Quality Assurance Testers

A few essential characteristics one must possess for becoming a video game tester is a genuine, hardcore passion for video games, patience (as you will most likely be testing games for 60+ hours a week), definitely need a quick eye (or two) for detail, and having a technical background is always a plus - as that will make for smoother communication between you, the game programmers, game designers and other key staff members (specifically, when you have to relay your bug and glitch findings to them). Entry level position testers make around 10-12 dollars an hour. If you're really good at what you do and show that you take the job seriously, you'll have an opportunity to grow within the company to a higher position and make a really nice income. To find game testing jobs, search Google (or whichever search engine you prefer) with phrases like "QA game Tester", "Quality Assurance Tester", "Quality Assurance Game Tester" or other variations. 'Quality Assurance Tester' is just a fancy way of saying 'Video Game Tester'. Here's a link for more info on getting into the gaming industry.

Slap an Ad on Your Car - Get Paid To Drive Around

You've probably seen those colorful cars with the "Monster Energy" drink logo on it or Budweiser beer logo. You can make a nice extra income driving those cars. 

Your average American drives an estimated 12,000 miles per year (1,000 mi per month) And that's just about the required amount of miles you need to drive each month (maybe a little more) If you were to get chosen for driving a company's car wrapped in advertising or have your own car wrapped. Generally, your best shot at getting picked for driving an ad wrapped vehicle would be to reside in a largely populated city, for the obvious reason that there will be thousands of eyes getting a good look at the vehicle; especially when stuck in heavy traffic. This translates into brand awareness for the company whose ad or logo you're displaying.  There are also companies that give you a free car to drive for as long as the ad campaign is running.

Do some research and look up vehicle wrapping companies in your area in the Yellow Pages and call them up and ask them if they hire drivers to drive ad wrapped cars of if they know about companies that are hiring. 

Basic requirements: You have to be 18 years of age, possess a valid drivers license, car insurance (of course), and have a good driving record

Read this article on wrapped car paid to drive scams to know when you're being duped.

Can You Really Make Money Mystery Shopping?

Yes... sort of. Truth is, you're not getting paid to actually shop, you're getting paid to pretend you're shopping. So, no, you can't just goof-off and have a grand old time. It's a real job. Consider yourselves spies. Here's an actual assignment from the MSPA website:

BestMark Mystery Shopping Company has an easy age-compliance mystery shop in your area! 
Shop requirements:
• You need to bring a 15-17 year old to a local electronic store to try and purchase an M-Rated video game. The teen will pick out an “M” rated video game and proceed to the front check-out lanes alone. You will stand about five feet away to observe the scene; you should stand close enough to get the name and description of the cashier but far enough away so it is not obvious you are with the teen. You will evaluate and report on if the cashier allows the underage teen to purchase the “M” rated video game or not.
• This shop requires only about ten minutes in the store and has a very simple, quick survey!"

Hmmm... in retrospect, this CAN BE FUN!

Tip: Don't ever pay for access to mystery shopping jobs. These job listings are free on MSPA

Learn more at
Search for mystery shopping jobs

Paid To Be a Human Guinea Pig For Medical Research

I saw an advertisement in one of those weekly employment magazines from a medical research company, and the ad read:

Celerion, a leader in health science, is looking for people to assist medical research.

  • Men & Women
  • 18-45 years of age
  • Non-smokers
  • Earn up to $3,360 for your participation
  • One 15 night stay 
Up to $3,360 for 15 nights?! I don't even make that much in 28 nights. You never know what to expect when participating in something like this. *Participate at your own risk.* If you get accepted into a study you'd most likely be taking medication that may lead to serious side effects. If being a human guinea pig seems like a fun gig to you, have at it. Just search the phrase "Clinical Studies" or variations of it. Ask your doctor or visit hospitals and ask about paid medical research studies.

Come Up With a Name For a Website and Get a Commission

There's a service for people who need help coming up with a catchy unusual, brandable domain name or slogan for their website. Clients pay $50 for domain name suggestions and $75 for slogan suggestions from 'Contributors' (that's you guys). Clients describe what their website/company is about, and that's where you and your creativity come in. You choose the client orders you want to work on and submit your suggestions. If a client picks your name, you get a commission of 40-60% of the order value. So If you think you have naming aptitude and can come up with names like WittyNation.com or ConvoSpot.com - give it a shot. PickyDomains.com. Oh yeah, and you just need a PayPal.com standard account to be able to receive payments - It's free. 

Make Money Selling Digital Images and Video Clips

Anyone with a steady hand and a good eye can be a photographer and a filmmaker these days. You can buy an itty bitty quality digital camera or HD camcorder for under 100 dollars. Better yet, there are digital cameras that can also shoot video... but you probably knew that already. So if you have nice quality photos that companies can use to make their websites and magazines look better, or quality video clips suitable for use in a video advertisement, head on over to Shutterstock.com submit your pictures and videos and start making some money. 

See their "Frequently Asked Questions" on the bottom right and scroll down to "Payments" -  "How much will I earn?"

Make Extra Money Selling Used Unwanted Books

Have old books under your bed, closet or anywhere else collecting dust that you haven't picked up for years and don't have use for anymore? Maybe I just reminded you.... yeah, go grab those books, get a free online book price quote and sell it! If you don't have any books, ask your family and friends if they have any old books they don't need anymore. Check the libraries, many of them throw away old books to make room for newer ones! Check out a garage sale or a yard sale. If you spot some books, and if you have internet on your phone, you can do a quick book price check at one of the websites below to see if it's worth buying and if you can make a profit. It's really simple - all you do is look for the ISBN number located on the back of the book, or it can be found on the inside cover, then enter it on the website, and you get a price. 

Abebooks.com - Must have at least 15 dollars worth of books to sell and they Pay by check or Paypal.com (which is free)

Barnes and Noble - Must have at least 10 dollars worth of books to sell and they pay by check.